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Finding Places on a Map

Good for you! You are following along just fine. Now you need to learn just one more piece of the puzzle and you will be on your way home to supper!

With only a little practice, you will be ready to use the latitude and longitude grid to locate any place on the globe! Ready to practice?

Need a tip for the first question? Drag your cursor to uncover a tip here:

First put your finger on the point where the equator and the prime meridian cross. Now move your finger north to the parallel labeled 40ºN. Next move your finger west along this parallel to the point where it crosses the meridian, labeled 80ºW. You’re there!

Practice Questions

Click to obtain a "Global Grid Map" that you can print for use in answering these practice questions.

1. The city located at 40ºN, 80ºW, is Pittsburgh. (North America) T F
2. The approximate coordinates of Nairobi, Kenya (located in Africa) are 40ºN, 120ºE. T F
3. London (in Europe) is located at 20ºN, 100ºW. T F
4. The approximate coordinates of Mexico City are 20ºN, 100ºW. T F
5. Quito (South America) is located at approximately 0º, 79ºW. (Tip: a longitude of 0º means that the location is on the prime meridian.) T F
6. A city in southern Africa, Durban, is located at approximately 30ºS, 30ºE. T F