
U - Adventurer

Language Arts
구분 Grade6 Grade7 Grade8
Unit 1 Fitting In Expectations American Heroes
Unit 2 Making Changes Exploring Who We Are Lives of Commitment
Unit 3 That’s Pretty Clever! Heritage Everyday Heroes
Unit 4 Making Sense Focusing on an Objective Rising to the Challenge
Unit 5 Planning and Building Pursuing the Dream Setting Goals
Unit 6 New Beginnings Overcoming the Odds Bravery and Resistance
Unit 7 Overcoming Obstacles Neighbors Belonging
Unit 8 Growing Up Freedom Fighters Rise to the Occasion
Unit 9 Caretakers of the Earth Visions of the Past and Present Chance vs. Choice
Unit 10 What’s Out There? Heroism Making Communities Safer
Unit 11 Making Tough Choices Battling Adversity The Promise of America
Unit 12 Understanding Others Looking Out for Others Out of Many, One