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Special Latitudes

The lines that go across the globe east and west are latitude lines. Sometimes these east-west lines are called parallels because they always remain at an equal distance from one another as they circle around the globe. Look at the globe and you’ll notice that the parallels never touch, even at the North and South Poles.

There are more special latitude lines in addition to the equator. You may notice that one latitude line at 23½° north is labeled the tropic of Cancer. There’s another strange-sounding one called the tropic of Capricorn at 23½º south. You may notice that these lines mark a broad band on the globe both north and south of the equator. This zone is often called the "tropical zone" or simply the “Tropics.” You’ll need very good sunglasses when you visit there.

Notice any other special latitude lines? You are very observant if you noticed the lines of latitude at 66½º north and 66½º south of the equator. These lines mark the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, which are the two polar regions of the world. Better bundle up if you are going there!